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Learning To Swim On Land
Learning To Swim On Land

Learning How to Swim on Land Learning how to defend oneself is an important skill, but some approaches to learning how to fight may not be as effective as they seem. The idea that one can learn how to fight by simply memorizing moves and techniques is a flawed...

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Recipe For Disaster
Recipe For Disaster

A Recipe for Disaster: Training Self Defense Without Knowing What an Actual Attack Looks Like Self-defense is a critical skill that everyone should possess. Unfortunately, some self-defense training programs may be ineffective or even dangerous. One of the biggest...

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Early Stage JKD Vs Latter Stage JKD
Early Stage JKD Vs Latter Stage JKD

  The difference between “Early Stage JKD” and “Latter Stage JKD”. Jeet Kune Do (JKD) is a philosophy or better known by the public as a Gung Fu system founded by the Late Bruce Lee. JKD system is a combination of mostly Western Boxing, Fencing (footwork), Savate...

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What is Explosive Power?
What is Explosive Power?

Explosive Power simply means an ability to exert a maximal amount of force at a minimal of time. It is also described as a quick outburst of energy in a short duration of time. This can apply in many areas, such as throwing punches, kicks, field sports, court sports,...

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